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Grace Leadership College

The Grace Leadership College represents a new way of getting not only a hands-on education directly related to ministry within the Body of Christ, but also a way of getting accredited recognition for the effort put into this eduction.

At the GLC, you learn at your own pace but you can earn a genuine Bachelors or Masters degree in the process. The program starts as the Grace Life Cycle ends with the 500 level of the Life Cycle. This four-course, twenty-four week commitment, along with a one-year ministry component earns a level one commendation which forms the ground level of the bachelors degree. There is much more work to do beyond that point, of course, but if you are committed to putting your education to work through Grace Community Church, the Grace Leadership College could be just the ticket to taking your walk with God to new heights.

In creating the Grace Leadership College, Grace partnered with the Antioch School of Church Planting as well as BILD International which supply most of the resources for this degree program. For more information about the GLC, please contact Pastor Cary Sawatsky.

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