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Nursery & Toddlers

Grace is blessed to have a steady supply of babies. God loves little children and so do we.

We have a room dedicated to babies under two years old (J1) where mothers are welcome to come with their babies to feed them, change them or just relax and hang out with other mothers. We also have staff on hand to take care of the babies for you if you prefer. The room has a sink and a large counter for taking care of the "business" end of things, and comfy chairs and a sofa for the more relaxing part.

Our Toddler room (J2) is a child magnet as it is a big room full of toys to play with. We recognize that while these children may be young, they understand a lot. Therefore our two year olds at 11:00 on Sunday are given a basic Bible lesson each week in addition to plenty of time to play and make friends.

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