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Our Values

Our motto encapsulates our desire to stick to the basics of the faith as defined by Jesus in Matthew 22: “Love God with everything you’ve got and love other people as much as you love yourself.” Here are a few other values we hold dear:

Grace: We strive to treat people better than they deserve, just as God does for us.

Relevance: We’re not into wasting people’s time. We will express our faith in a way that resonates with everyday people.

Authenticity: We give people the permission to be real and we encourage them to form meaningful relationships.

Creativity: We challenge our people to try new and different things as we serve the community. Mistakes are simply learning experiences.

Expansion: We believe God’s love is the answer for the GTA and the world, and we are actively working to start new church sites throughout the city.

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6670 Campobello Rd, Mississauga / ON - 905 821 6328