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Special Needs

Grace is very proud to offer a service to families that sometimes have a difficult time finding a suitable church due to the reality that they have a child who has learning disabilities or physical disabilities which make it challenging for their child to participate in a traditional classroom environment or church service.

Grace's Special Needs program is led by caring ladies who have experience working with children who have such challenges. The most typical challenge parents bring to this ministry is autism. Our staff are well aware for the needs of autistic children and they do their very best to provide them with not only good care, but they diligently work to teach these children spiritual truths about the love of Jesus Christ.

The class is rarely large, and that is great for the children in the program as generally they need a fair amount of individual attention form the staff. If you are looking for someone to help you with your child so that you can have an hour of freedom to worship and learn in the main service, we are pleased to offer our Special Needs ministry to you.

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