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Connection Points

We are firm believers that people grow fast, strong and healthier in their spiritual walk by having authentic and meaningful relationships with others who are on the same journey. Everyone exploring what Grace Community Church is all about is encouraged to check into one of our community points.


Community Groups at Grace are intended to be a primary way in which people build relationships and strengthen their contact with a spiritual community. Some groups are Bible studies, some are activity based (playing games, listening to music, community service, etc), others are simply social. Most groups range in demographic make-up and anyone is invited to take part in any group. In fact, we encourage people to check out two or three groups to find one that fits their schedule and where they feel the best relational connection. Most Groups at Grace meet on a weekly basis.

If you want to know more, stop at the Information Centre at the Sunday morning service and ask for a copy of the latest group directory.


Meeting every Tuesday at 7pm, Celebrate  Recovery is a Bible-based 12 step program helping those overcome their hurts, habits and hang-ups. There is no fee to participate and anyone is welcome to join this confidential, non-judgmental group. Visit for more information.


Two and half hours of free baby-sitting on last Friday of every month, 6:30-9pm. Contact Donna to register or get more information: [email protected] or visit


One of the fastest growing people groups in Mississauga is the Portuguese speaking community. With a large (and growing) number of Brazilians who have made Grace their home church, we offer different social and spiritual activities in Portuguese. Contact Armando Padovan for more information: 905.821.6328 or [email protected] .


Looking for some encouragement and accountability in your efforts to achieve a healthy lifestyle? Look no further! Forever Fit is a support group that works from the successful Body-for-LIFETM program. Forever Fit is a free program that meets weekly at Grace Centre. To get in on the next 12-week program, contact Marcos Casadei at [email protected] .


Practice your English for FREE! More than 45% of Mississauga’s residents were born outside of Canada and most speak a language other than English. For those who are interested in strengthening their conversational English skills, Grace offers a bi-weekly night of fun and socializing with an emphasis on conversation. Contact Elizabeth for more information: [email protected]


Something new for young adults. For those 18 years to whenever, join us on Sunday evenings at 7 pm for social and devotional time. Contact Tim Ling for more information or join our group on Facebook: [email protected] Facebook

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6670 Campobello Rd, Mississauga / ON - 905 821 6328