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Newcomer's Experience

"Wow! I didn't know church could be like that!" That’s the overwhelmingly common response we get from people who visit the church. If you’ve never attended church before, we can almost guarantee that you will be pleasantly surprised, because our services were designed with non-churchgoers in mind.

Newcomers to Grace can expect to find a warm, friendly and laid-back environment where they can check things out without being checked out. The dress code at Grace is that everyone should be dressed – we don't care what you wear! We're just glad you came.

Stop at the Information Centre on your way in to find out where your children get checked-in for the kids' programs. Mention that you are new, the hosts at the Info Centre will give you a welcome packet and answer any questions you might have.

After stopping at the Info Centre, make sure to take a trip to the Coffee Stop for a drink. The coffee is always hot and you’ll find yourself making new friends in no time.

During the actual church service, you will have a chance to listen (and sing along, if you like) to Grace's house band. Often you will be treated to a drama or some video clips that relate to the teaching topic for the day. And then Pastor Bartley, or one of our other great teachers, will present a message from the Bible that we promise to be practical, enlightening, and even moving. We do not have any churchy traditions or rituals that you need to know ahead of time.

At Grace you can take things at your own pace. You will never be asked for money, and you will definitely not be bored!

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6670 Campobello Rd, Mississauga / ON - 905 821 6328